Saturday, July 8, 2023

Blessed By the Hand of God

Jacob answered his father: 
“I am Esau, your firstborn. I did as you told me. 
Please sit up and eat some of my game, 
so that you may give me your special blessing.” 
GENESIS 27 : 19

Father in heaven, You are the one true source of all blessings for a healthy, fruitful, prosperous, and abundant life. Be praised and glorified O Lord for blessing me and making things turn out well for me. 

Please forgive me for the times that my hand may have worked to deceive others or the times that I have pretended to be the person that I am not. Bless me with the power of Your great and mighty hands. Be the hand that works in me so that in all the things that I do or work for, You will always be praised and glorified. May You continue to give me more surprises and special blessings that will greatly increase our wealth and riches in this world. 

As You grant me all the things that are rightfully mine, may You also do the same for all my brothers and sisters. We are all your children whom you dearly love, needing your care and embrace each day. 

I am now again back on my feet with the confidence, courage, and strength that comes from You through my Lord Jesus Christ. In Him, I can accomplish all of the day's works with great ease. Truly, You have blessed me in every way, I just humbly offer You back all the glory, praise, and thanksgiving. 

All these I humbly ask and pray in Jesus Name. Amen.