Monday, October 6, 2014


He has made known to his people the power of his works, 
giving them the inheritance of the nations. 
The works of his hands are faithful and just; 
sure are all his precepts, reliable forever and ever, 
wrought in truth and equity.
(Psalm 111:6-8)

The Lord speaks of the great and mighty works that He is doing in you each moment of your life.

Whatever you do is already an output or a product of what He continues to do to you in order to live. The whole system inside your body functions well because of His work.

You think because He puts to motion your brain. You act because He enables your hands and feet to react to the dictates of your mind. You love because He breathes air to your heart.

Who then are we to presume that we can do things on our own?

When we speak of God's truth, we usually attribute them in the light of the scriptures and under spiritual dimensions. The truth of God's Work is not only scriptural or spiritual, it is in fact the absolute truth. Science reveals the systems and functions of our bodies but what or who makes them move? God!

Today, the Lord has made known to you the power of His works. Side by side, He wants you to hope and expect that your desired inheritance is already a work in progress. He did not say, "I will give" but instead used the word "giving".