Saturday, November 18, 2023

Behold Stupendous Wonders

Over this crossed the whole nation sheltered by your hand, 
after they beheld stupendous wonders. 
For they ranged about like horses, 
and bounded about like lambs, 
praising You, O Lord, their deliverer.
WISDOM 19:8-9

This verse describes the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea by the Israelites, who were led by God’s hand out of Egypt and slavery. They witnessed God’s power and wonders, such as the parting of the sea, the dry land, and the destruction of their enemies. They praised God for their deliverance and freedom. 

Behold Stupendous Wonders is a phrase that can be used to express awe and admiration for something amazing or marvelous. It can be about the contrast between the grandeur of human achievements and the decay of time and nature or a celebration of the beauty and diversity of life on earth. (Microsoft Bing)

When peaceful stillness compassed everything and the night in its swift course was half spent, Your all-powerful word from heaven’s royal throne bounded, a fierce warrior, into the doomed land, bearing the sharp sword of Your inexorable decree. And as he alighted, he filled every place with death; he still reached to heaven, while he stood upon the earth. (Wisdom 18:14-16)

For all creation, in its several kinds, was being made over anew, serving its natural laws, that your children might be preserved unharmed. The cloud overshadowed their camp; and out of what had before been water, dry land was seen emerging: out of the Red Sea an unimpeded road, and a grassy plain out of the mighty flood. Over this crossed the whole nation sheltered by your hand, after they beheld stupendous wonders. For they ranged about like horses, and bounded about like lambs, praising you, O Lord, their deliverer. (Wisdom 9:6-9)

Father in heaven, sheltered by Your hand, I behold Your stupendous wonders. Bounded about like a lamb, I praise You, O Lord! my deliverer.

Today, You have revealed to me that all Your creation, in its several kinds, are being made over anew, serving its natural laws, that our children might be preserved unharmed. I am bounded by Your all-powerful word from heaven’s royal throne making me a fierce warrior, into the doomed land, bearing the sharp sword of your inexorable decree. I storm the heavens in the mighty Name of Jesus as a prayer warrior interceding in behalf of all the victims of natural and man-made calamities. 

Please protect, shield, and preserve us all O Lord from the harmful effects of the Covid19 virus that still exist in our midst and from all forms of natural calamities such as typhoon, flood, earthquake, and volcanic eruptions. Restore our land and make all things new for us.

Peaceful stillness compasses everything and the swift course of Your all powerful word is upon us giving us the best of days. Please accept my deepest and profound gratitude for all that You do to make our lives full and complete.

With much love and full of thanksgiving and praise, I humbly pray in Jesus Name.

III: Special Providence of God during Exodus
Wisdom 18:1-25; 19:6-9