Monday, May 18, 2015


Taking matters into your own hands in dealing with troubles can lead you to even bigger problems. The Lord wants you to be at peace with Him and allow Him to use His mighty hands in slapping away your troubles. Let the peace of God reign in your heart and mind through Christ Jesus.

Are you in trouble?

Let's face it. There will always come a time when we will find ourselves in the midst of troubles. Trouble is an inevitable fact of life in the world. The enemy will always try to make life difficult for us. As the Lord had clearly spoken, "In the world you will have trouble" (Jn 16:33).

What are you to do?

Jesus encourages us to take courage. He wants us to focus on something bigger that can fixed our troubles. God alone can remove our troubles in life. He alone has conquered the world and all that is in it. He has defeated the enemy who is now under His feet. Let God handle your troubles!