Tuesday, May 17, 2011


"The works that I do in my Father's name, 
they bear witness to me."
John 10:25

In whatever work you do, you can bring glory to God if you believe that Jesus is always with you. His presence in you will surely be noticed by the people around you.

My friendship with the Lord has brought me to a life of simplicity where I have found my true peace and happiness. I have learned to accept and acknowledged that all things come from Him. He has taken full control over my life and no one has been able to keep me away from Him.

Each morning when I wake up, my utmost desire is to first seek God's Word. This is the ultimate treasure that I possess which produces grace, blessings and miracles. I could not imagine a complete day without first knowing what God has in store for me.

I believe that all the works I do each day comes from my Lord. I belong to His sheep and I listen only to His voice. Wherever He leads, I will follow. I am sure to be led to greener pastures!

Father in heaven, you are the greatest of all and no one is able to snatch me out from your hand. Thank you so much for all the good works that you have done through Christ who is my Lord and Savior. With Him, I work for the glory of your name. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.