Monday, September 11, 2017

Working Hard requires Suffering

Working hard requires you to suffer but its end result is always good, beneficial, and profitable. At the end of the day, you have a deep sense of fulfillment that you have done something worthwhile.

You can choose the easy way by just sitting it out there, doing nothing, or staying lazy and idle, just waiting for a blessing to drop. God may give you such blessing but how much will you value it? In most cases, blessings are valued if you work hard for it. This is true because one way or the another, you have exerted so much effort and suffered a lot of things in order to get things done.
With God's hands working mightily in the business that He has established for me, it is not very easy to find time in having a vacation. Although I wanted to enjoy the pleasures of the world by way of traveling to places I have never gone before, my line of work requires that I am always available to service the requirements of my clients.

I believed that as the Lord said, "there is always a season, a time to plant and a time to harvest, a time for everything under the sun". God will surely give me my best wishes and desires, but first I must work hard and suffer in order to realize His promise.
Your hardships at work will surely pay off in the course of time, and more lasting joy will come your way in the days to come. Be blessed!

Lord, you hand is the driving force that makes me work hard each day. Please forgive me for all the times when I have done something that is not good. I know that as my Father, you only wanted what is best for me. Please protect us all from the evils that roam the world seeking to destroy the good works that you do for us. May the fruits of our hard work and labor bring us more closer to you. With much love and thanksgiving I humbly pray in Jesus Name. Amen.

May 16, 2015, 7:01 AM
March 4, 2015 - 8:21AM